UEFI Forum 2020 Virtual Plugfest: Committed to the Community

UEFI Forum
Tuesday, March 31, 2020


As you are likely aware, the Spring 2020 UEFI Plugfest has been canceled due to concerns surrounding the transmission of COVID-19 (“coronavirus”). The personal safety and health of our community members remains a top priority for our organization, as does member engagement and education. Given this, the UEFI Forum is organizing a Virtual Plugfest in the form of a series of webinars intended to encourage online communication, collaboration and education as we all do our part to support social distancing.

The series of webinars will focus on the following topics:

  • Security
  • Industry Ecosystem
  • Specification Features
  • Open Source
  • Member Company Implementations


Presenters committed to the Spring 2020 Plugfest event have graciously stepped up to participate in these webinar series, and we are diligently working to finalize a timeline along with the presentations assigned to each topic. We plan to host two webinars a month and publish deep dive blogs around many of the topics.

Please stay tuned for ongoing updates on our website and future blog posts outlining the presentation content and providing presenter information. For the most up-to-date updates on our Twitter and LinkedIn channels.

As always, if you have any questions, please contact us at press@uefi.org.